Tuesday, November 25, 2008

It's Like Shopping at COSTCO or SAM'S... But WAY More Cool.

Did you know? You can buy your SALON AND SPA services in BULK?

It's like shopping at the Sam's Club or Costco Warehouse but WAY more fun! Hmmm... purchase in advance and save money. I like this idea, especially where facials, massage, mani & pedis, and hair styles are concerned!

Clearly, I think the Frinj Salon & Spa owners got the idea from buying Monster Energy Drinks in bulk at Sam's. :)

Either way - here's a GIFT TIP for those of you living in the Dallas Metro Area:

Get your loved one a series of massage, facials, maniucures, peduicures, wax services, cut & style - anything you might want - you can buy in a series and save money. Great gift for a guy or a gal, and the perfect way to groom thyself & others for the holiday and beyond, or relax and escape day to day dilemmas.

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